Board Meetings

The public is always welcome to attend The Juniper School Board Meetings.
Meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month at 5:30. 
Agendas, below, have a zoom link if applicable.
We welcome the opportunity to hear from our community during the “Public Participation” section of the agenda at our School Board Meetings. We will listen with respect and ask that those offering comments do so as well. Please understand that board members are unable to respond to your comments or questions immediately. We will consider all comments carefully and will take them under advisement if further inquiry is necessary.
We ask that you please limit the length of your presentation. The time offered to one individual is three (3) minutes. Should a group of four (4) or more people want to address the board in regard to the same topic, the board may elect to have a total of ten (10) minutes for the group to speak. A total of thirty (30) minutes at any one school board meeting will be allotted to Public Participation. Speakers will be recognized to speak in the order their forms are received.
If you wish to speak, please fill out the TJS Public Participation Form below and hand it to the Secretary of the board or email to [email protected] BEFORE the board meeting start time.
We appreciate your cooperation and interest in our school!
Thank you.
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Meeting ID: 818 5948 9003
Passcode: 970290
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Board Agendas and Minutes
8/15/17 - meeting - no agenda or minutes found
March 16, 2016  Work Session at Chimayo's in Durango, CO at 5:30pm to 7:30pm
August 11, 2016 Work Session at Alpine Bank, Suite 218 from 5:15-7:15pm
Work Session -  Thursday, January 8, 2015 from 4:45-6:45pm, Durango Joe's 732 E. College Drive
Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 9am-1pm Work Session. Alpine Bank Conference Room. 
October 5, 2015 4:00pm-8:00pm CLCS Governance Training 9-R Conference Room (Closed to the public)
​Monday November 23, 2015 Work Session 6-8pm. Alpine Bank Conference Room 1099 Main Avenue, Durango, CO